
  • WASHplus Behavior Change Strategy

    WASHplus project is managed by FHI 360 and implemented in southwest Bangladesh through an agreement with WaterAid, who in turn have engaged local partner organizations (PNGOs) to implement in their respective upazilas or subdistricts. To guide the systematic and theory based activities of the PGNOs, WASHplus has developed these hygiene promotion guidelines for its partner NGOs to coordinate its approach in the field.

  • National Strategy For Infant And Young Child Feeding

    Special attention and practical support is needed for feeding in exceptionally difficult circumstances, including low birth weight infants, malnourished children, infants and children in emergencies, infants born to HIV-positive parents, and other vulnerable children living under challenging circumstances. The National Strategy will bring substantial benefits for individuals, families and the entire nation. 

  • National Strategy for Adolescent Health 2017-2030

    The National Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 has been developed to be in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is committed to ensuring the effective implementation of this strategy, which will contribute to the overall wellbeing and health of all adolescent boys and girls of Bangladesh.